
NIELIT O-Level Project File || For Both Direct & Institute Candidates

Hello friends, if you are doing NIELIT O-Level course there is one Project file that you need to submit it and there are no marks assigned for it. But it is  mandatory  without that you will not able to get O-level certificate. So, both Direct & Regular (Institute) candidates can submit O-Level project by this method. Simply candidate can choose topic related to ITWD or C Language subject. The candidate may make a project under a Guide or under the supervision of a person with NIELIT A level with adequate experience of minimum five years’ experience (or) NIELIT B level / MCA (or) equivalent/higher qualification without any experience. The candidate must attach the final year certificate (marksheet) of his Guide and also Proforma of the Project Completion Certificate with the project file. A fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) should be remitted to NIELIT by a Demand Draft in favour of NIELIT payable at New Delhi And send it to this gi...

Travel Management || Project For CBSE Class-12

Description:-  The main objective of the project Travel Management (Travel Agency) is to make avail to the customers all sorts of travelling services. A host of services such as registration, display, search, modify etc are provided. In the registration step, the client has to provide his personal details. In the option of display all the client information is read like name, phone, cost etc. In the search tab, if information of a particular client is required then that be obtained Output Screen:- Click here to download

Light Dependence Resistance (LDR) || Project for CBSE Class-12

Description:-  In the society, sometimes street lights glow in day time due to any reason. In mines area people face many difficulties due to absence of light in the nights. In frontier and hilly areas, people face many problems due to damaged street lights. For solve above these problems, we create a device in which the lights glow in night and in day time, they off automatically and don't glow. Due to use of it, we can solve above problems and can solve electricity and men's power. Circuit Diagram:- Click here to download

To compare the rate of fermentation of Apple juice, Orange juice & Carrot juice || Project for CBSE Class-12

Description:-  Objective of this project is to study the  rates  of  fermentation  of the following fruit or vegetable  juices .  i.   Apple   juice   ii. Orange  juice   iii. Carrot   juice   Fermentation  is the slow decomposition of complex organic compound into simpler compounds by the action of enzymes. Enzymes are complex organic compounds, generally proteins. Examples of  fermentation  are: souring of milk or curd, bread making, wine making and brewing. The word Fermentation has been derived from Latin (Ferver which means to ‘boil’).As during fermentation there is lot of frothing of the liquid due to the evolution of carbon dioxide, it gives the appearance as if it is boiling. Sugars like glucose and sucrose when fermented in the presence of yeast cells are converted to ethyl alcohol. During fermentation of starch, starch is first hydrolysed to maltose by the action ...

To study the effect of Potassium Bisulphite as a food preservative under various condition (Temperature, Concentration & Time) || Project for CBSE Class-12

Description:-  Growth of microorganisms in a food material can be inhibited by adding certain chemical substances. However, the chemical substances should not be  harmful  to human beings.  Such chemical substances which are added to food  materials to prevent their spoilage are known as chemical preservatives.   In  our  country, two chemical preservatives which are permitted for use are: 1. Benzoic acid (or sodium benzoate) 2. Sulphur dioxide (or potassium bisulphite) The advantage of this method is that no harmful chemical is left in the food. The aim of this project is to study the effect of potassium bisulphite as food preservative. •   At different temperatures. •   At different concentrations and •   For different intervals of time. Click here to download